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Nelson. S. (2020). Unapologetic: A poetry collection. Seattle, WA: Kindle Direct Publishing.


Nelson, S. (2020). The 5 Cs of creating stronger writing assignments. New Teacher Advocate. (peer-reviewed)


Christenbury, L. & Lindblom, K. (With Nelson, S., et al) (2019). Continuing the Journey 3. Urbana, IL: NCTE.


Nelson, S. (2019). Demystifying student performance via parental engagement. NNPA. Retrieved from:


Nelson, S. (2019). Care, consistency, and content: The 3 Cs of classroom management in the E/LA Classroom. Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE) Magazine. (peer-reviewed) (Accepted; in print fall 2019)


Nelson, S. (2019). Close reading in the urban classroom: a teacher’s inquiry. Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research, (21)1, 1-17. (peer-reviewed) 


Nelson, S. (2019). 4 steps to engage students in the close reading process. New Teacher Advocate. (peer reviewed) (accepted; in print Spring 2019)


Nelson, S. & Baltes. B. (2019). For the culture: Grit, student engagement, and academic performance at a Historically Black Community College. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, (26) 1, 89-102. (peer-reviewed) 


Nelson, S. (2019). Reflections: Exploring writing self-efficacy in the online environment. Journal of Teach Action Research, (5) 2, 39-55. (peer-reviewed)


Nelson, S. (2018). Assignments Matter, but so do plc’s. Retrieved from (non-peer reviewed; invited)


Nelson, S. (2017). Appreciating teachers in under-privileged schools [Blog Post]. Retrieved from: (peer reviewed)


Nelson, S. (2015).  Poetry unit at a glance: How one female successfully encouraged reading and

writing poetry.  Research on Women and Education (American Educational Research Association SIG) Conference Proceedings, 2(1), 14-21. (peer-reviewed)


National and International


Nelson, S. (2020). Professional Learning Communities at Work: A Narrative Inquiry of Urban High School Literacy Teachers. National Council of Teachers of English Assembly of Research (NCTE), Nashville, TN.


Nelson, S. (2019) Curiosity Killed the Cat: Enlivening the Urban Secondary ELA Classroom. National Council for Teachers of English, Baltimore, MD.


Nelson, S., Darrington, F., May, B., & Green, K. (2019). Pathways to Teacher Leadership. National Writing Project in the South. Greenville, SC. (invited)


Nelson. S. (2019). But I’m Not Ready to Student Teach: Preservice Teachers Self Efficacy of Teaching E/LA. Association for Teacher Educators. Atlanta, GA.


Nelson, S. (2019). Black Girls’ Lyrical Perceptions of Social Justice Issues. National Council for Teachers of English Assembly of Research. Birmingham, AL.


Nelson, S. (2018). What’s More Important to Academic Performance: Grit or Engagement? International Conference on Urban Education. Paradise Island, Bahamas.


Nelson, S. (2018). Raising Student Voice: Cultivating Agency Through Meaningful and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. NCTE. Houston, TX.


Nelson, S. (2018). Assignments Matter: Go-To Tools for Teachers. NCTE. Houston, TX.


Nelson, S. (2018). Black Girls’ Lyrical Perceptions of Social Justice Issues. Research on Women and Education (American Educational Research Association SIG). San, Antonio, TX.


Nelson, S. (2017). Close Reading: Bridging the Gap with Narrative Writing. National Council of Teachers of English Conference, ST. Louis, Missouri.


Nelson, S. (2016). Writing Advocacy: Understanding Student Writing Self-Efficacy in the Online Environment. National Council of Teachers of English Conference, Atlanta, GA.


State and Regional


Nelson, S. (2019). Dear Martin: Using Contemporary Young Adult Literature to Write About Social Injustice Through a Critical Pedagogical Approach. Gulf Coast Conference on the Teaching of Writing Conference. Destin, FL.


Nelson, S. & Vega, V. (2019). Critical Literacy in the E/LA Classroom. Real Teachers, Real Talk. Critical Literacies Conference. Birmingham, AL.


Nelson, S. (2018). The 5 C’s of teaching writing. Gulf Coast Writing Conference, Destin, FL. 


Nelson, S. & Darrington, F. (2018). How and why assignments matter. Gulf Coast Writing Conference, Destin, FL. 


Nelson, S. (2018). Close reading in the urban classroom. Journal of Language and Literacy, Athens, GA. (proposal accepted)


Nelson, S. (2017). Signposts: To use or not to use. Midsouth Reading and Writing Conference, Birmingham, AL.


Nelson, S. (2015). Poetry Unit at a Glance: Encouraging Reading and Writing Poetry at an Urban Middle School. Midsouth Reading and Writing Conference, Birmingham, AL.


Nelson, S. (2015) Poetry Unit at a Glance: How One Female Educator Successfully Encouraged Reading and Writing Poetry. Research on Women in Education Conference (American Educational Research Association SIG), Birmingham, AL.


Nelson, S. et al (2013). Facing the Challenges of Argumentative Writing in an Urban Middle School. Urban Sites (National Writing Project) Conference, Birmingham, AL.

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